Malta has revised its entry rules to allow only fully vaccinated persons to enter Malta. With effect from 14 July, due to the recent increase in cases of infections imported from abroad, Malta’s Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Health, together with the Public Health Supervisor, announced that English language schools will be closed again until further notice. Furthermore, with regard to air and sea travel to Malta, it has been announced that from 14 July tourists aged 12 and over can only enter Malta if they have a vaccination certificate stating that they have been fully vaccinated with all necessary doses in Malta for at least 14 days, with one of the vaccines approved (approved by the EU) by the public health inspector.
These accepted certificates may include:
· Maltese Vaccination Certificate
· EU Digital COVID card *
· NHS COVID Pass Letter / NHS App (UK)
Children between the ages of 5 and 11 may enter with a negative PCR test result, which must be completed within 72 hours of their arrival in Malta, and may only be accompanied by their parents or legal guardians, who must present the details detailed above. Children under the age of 5 do not need a PCR test to travel to Malta with their fully vaccinated parents or legal guardians. Unaccompanied minors are not allowed to travel to Malta.
The following certificates are NOT valid for travel to Malta:
· Certificate that the person has been infected with Covid-19 and has recovered;
· Proof of vaccination for only one dose of vaccine, if 2 doses are required for full vaccination, this also applies to those who have recovered from COVID-19 infection;
· A certificate of vaccination less than 14 days after the final dose.
In addition to the above, the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Health of Malta confirmed that the AstraZeneca vaccine with the vaccine numbers 4120Z001, 4120Z002 and 412Z003 (also known as Covishield) will not be accepted for entry into Malta. He said this was in line with the recommendation of the European Medicines Agency (EMA), which was followed by the Maltese Ministry of Health, and added that the guidelines would be reviewed regularly in line with the EMA.
* Switzerland has joined the EU's digital COVID certification system, so the Swiss card is also accepted by the Maltese authorities
Only fully vaccinated persons are allowed to entry from 14 July

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